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LAMMPS is a molecular dynamics application for large-scale atomic/molecular parallel simulations of solid-state materials, soft matter and mesoscopic systems.

LAMMPS is available as a module on Apocrita.

Use Spack for additional variants

Simple variants of LAMMPS have been installed by the Apocrita ITSR Apps Team. Advanced users may want to self-install their own additional variants via Spack.


Regular and GPU accelerated versions have been installed on Apocrita.


To run the required version, load one of the following modules:

  • For LAMMPS (non-GPU), load lammps/<version>
  • For GPU accelerated LAMMPS versions, load lammps-gpu/<version>

To run the default installed version of LAMMPS, simply load the lammps module:

$ module load lammps
$ mpirun -np ${NSLOTS} lmp -help

Usage example: lmp -var t 300 -echo screen -in in.alloy

For full usage documentation, pass the -help option.

Example jobs

Make sure you have an accompanying data file

The examples below specify an input file only, but will often need an accompanying data file (e.g. data.file) to be present in the same directory as well. For more examples, see the example benchmarks in the official LAMMPS GitHub repository.

Serial job

Here is an example job running on 4 cores and 16GB of total memory:

#$ -cwd
#$ -j y
#$ -pe smp 4
#$ -l h_rt=1:0:0
#$ -l h_vmem=4G

module load lammps

mpirun -np ${NSLOTS} lmp \
       -in in.file \
       -log output.log

Parallel job

Here is an example job running on 96 cores across 2 ddy nodes with MPI:

#$ -cwd
#$ -j y
#$ -pe parallel 96
#$ -l infiniband=ddy-i
#$ -l h_rt=240:0:0

module load lammps

mpirun -np ${NSLOTS} lmp \
       -in in.file \
       -log output.log

GPU jobs

Use the requested number of GPUs

Always export and use the $NGPUS environment variable as below. Failure to do this will results in errors such as:

ERROR: Could not find/initialize a specified accelerator device (src/src/GPU/gpu_extra.h:57)

Here is an example job running on 1 GPU:

#$ -cwd
#$ -j y
#$ -pe smp 8
#$ -l h_rt=240:0:0
#$ -l h_vmem=11G
#$ -l gpu=1

# Load the GPU-accelerated version
module load lammps-gpu

# Export the number of GPUs available
NGPUS=$(nvidia-smi -L | wc -l)

mpirun -np ${NSLOTS} lmp \
       -sf gpu \
       -pk gpu ${NGPUS} \
       -in \

Here is an example job running on 2 GPUs:

#$ -cwd
#$ -j y
#$ -pe smp 16
#$ -l h_rt=240:0:0
#$ -l h_vmem=11G
#$ -l gpu=2

# Load the GPU-accelerated version
module load lammps-gpu

# Export the number of GPUs available
NGPUS=$(nvidia-smi -L | wc -l)

mpirun -np ${NSLOTS} lmp \
       -sf gpu \
       -pk gpu ${NGPUS} \
       -in \
